Wednesday, July 27, 2011

WIP – Wednesday…Minions

I owe a few friends more than a few minions…so I finally started working on them.  I enjoy making stuffed animals and other small projects because I’m an instant gratification person.

Here you can see I’ve got the minion body going and based on the pattern I found at  (you can also see I finally got CreepyKid the promised laptop computer...under the stuffing and minion.)
I can change a few things and make a fun army of minions with loads of personality.  Since they’re only real difference is number of eyes and body type I can customize them for the recipient.

And yes…I’m still working on the frog bag…thanks for asking.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Excuse Monday

Yeah…I like that…it’s my new trend and I’m keeping it.

This weekend I spent time in L.A. taking dance classes and staying out far too late watching a show at the House of Blues. 

I only got +/- 4 hours of sleep Saturday to Sunday.  Spent Sunday brunching and watching a movie with my cousin.

Wish it was down-time for my brain…but it wasn’t.  Hanging out with Sis and CousinH means I’m talking and thinking the whole time.  I’m riled up as opposed to relaxed.

Friday, July 15, 2011

FO - Friday

So in this case FO is not Finish Off...I should change this to F-U Fridays for...finish UP...yeah, that's it.

I haven't touched any of my projects...too much going on in the mind to try some zen crafting time - so nothing is finished. *sigh*

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


So, recovering from my cold I jumped into a new project.  I’m not sure why I enjoy making purses/draw-string bags/etc. I just do….and I like them best when they look like something else.

My introduction to whimsical purses was this book, I checked it out of the library when I was 15 – I couldn’t buy it then, but I have since (why thank you internet with your ebays and abebooks). 
 I made the pig-shaped draw-string bag that can be made in two sizes (per the instructions) a hand bag and an overnight bag…I’ve subsequently made it in a third size using crochet cotton size 3.  I also used the same pattern to make a strawberry....I'm not much at making my own patterns, but I can transform patterns into other stuff.

This week I’m working on a frog shaped bag, I bought the pattern on etsy from this gal:

So far it’s pretty easy…I’m not tearing through it like I should, I’ve been really tired in the evenings – too tired to even WoW for long.  But the one day I worked on it I created the top and bottom, I’ve just yet to piece it together and make some legs.

Yes, I’ll post pictures of my progress….when I take them (oh…that’s a sick burn….ok not really)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Excuse Monday

I haven’t been working on much of late – hence no updates.

Now, being fully recovered from a terrible cold/flu I’m back on track with a new project.  Guess you’ll have to wait until Wednesday to see what it is.

BTW – the blanket was a hit at the baby shower – but I had to take it home with me as one of my cats decided to chew the border. Stupid cats.