Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Breast-Feeding Beanies

I was tasked to create one of these beanies for a baby shower gift.  I don’t get many paying requests, so I set off to work.

I used the exact materials called for in the beanie, which is amazing, as I usually decide to substitute with whatever I darn well feel like using – this was a craft type of yarn (of late I’ve been a bit more snobbish about my materials), but it was super soft, and the machine wash/dry nature will make it quite awesome for baby.

The pattern was easy to follow, but made some adjustments along the way, only a truly devout knitter/crocheter will notice I decided to change half-way through, so I’m sure the new mom will be more than happy with the end result.

I have to say that it came together fast, about 90 minutes – 2 hours worth of work and all that remains is the weaving of the ends.

On top of all of that, the creator of this pattern has given the rights to sell the items made from the pattern, which I thoroughly appreciate, as I hate stepping on toes with that sort of thing, but have a hard time swallowing the fact that people can stipulate I cannot sell something that I’ve hand made.  So, thank you Scotti at The Oxford Family blog!